Entering discounts for Dolibarr

Make it easier to read Dolibarr financial data

Benefit from additional reports such as the grouping by month and by third of financial and commercial elements (Quotes, Orders, Invoices, etc.) or an analysis of projects including margins, remaining to be invoiced, time consumed, etc.
New reports are coming soon...  
  • Ref. 
  • Version: 15.0.4
  • Editor/Licence: Sylvain Legrand / GPLv3
  • Interface language : English / French / Spanish
  • Assistance: InfraS.fr/ Mail to contact@infras.fr
  • Prerequisites :
    • Dolibarr
      • min version: 15.0.x
      • max version: 19.0.x
    • PHP supported
      • min version: 7.4
      • max version: 8.1
  • Updates: Access to updates for our modules is free for 365 days from the date of purchase
48.00 € HT / part